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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Proctor Compaction test

The Proctor compaction test is a laboratory method of experimentally determining the optimal moisture content at which a given soil type will become most dense and achieve its maximum dry density. The term Proctor is in honor of R. R. Proctor, who in 1933 showed that the dry density of a soil for a given compactive effort depends on the amount of water the soil contains during soil compaction.[1] His original test is most commonly referred to as the standard Proctor compaction test; later on, his test was updated to create the modified Proctor compaction test.

These laboratory tests generally consist of compacting soil at known moisture content into a cylindrical mould of standard dimensions using a compactive effort of controlled magnitude. The soil is usually compacted into the mould to a certain amount of equal layers, each receiving a number blows from a standard weighted hammer at a specified height. This process is then repeated for various moisture contents and the dry densities are determined for each. The graphical relationship of the dry density to moisture content is then plotted to establish the compaction curve. The maximum dry density is finally obtained from the peak point of the compaction curve and its corresponding moisture content, also known as the optimal moisture content.

The testing described is generally consistent with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards, and are similar to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) standards. Currently, the procedures and equipment details for the standard Proctor compaction test is designated by ASTM D698 and AASHTO T99. Also, the modified Proctor compaction test is designated by ASTM D1557 and AASHTO T180.

Material tests

·         Determination of Field Density
·         Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Test (DCP)
·         Hand Augering
·         Determination of Particle Size Distribution
·         Determination of Specific Gravity
·         Determination of Flakiness Index
·         Determination of Elogation Index
·         Determination of Aggrigate Crushing Value (ACV)
·         Determination of Los Angeles Abrasion Value(LAAV)
·         Determination of Penetration
·         Determination of Ductillity
·         Determination of Specific Gravity
·         Determination of Flash & Fire Point
·         Determintaion of Loss on Heating
·         Determination of Maximum in Bituminous Paving Mixture by Centrifugal Extractor Method
·         Determination of Maximum Specific Gravity of Paving Mixtures
Determination of Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bitumiounous Mixtures